50 years banner850



Coco (Chanel de toi da Praia Azul) Born:3-07-2015

CAC BOB Int. Show OUTDOOR UDEN 18 juni 2016

CAC BOB INT SHOW Rotterdam 3 september 2016

CAC WINNER and YOUTH WInster  Amsterdam  11 december 2016

CAC BOB Int Shoiw Eindhoven februari 2017

 Coco 9 week  Coco 3 mnd
  9 weeks  3 months
 5 months

 6 months

 Coco princess350  Coco show350


Since 11 septembre we have a new dog in the house! Podengo Portugues Pegueno Cerdoso (Small shaggy Portugese podengo)

Chanel de toi da Praia Azul.Imp.Portugal. Born: 3-7-2015, Breeder Alexandra Morgado.

We call her COCO.


 Coco 9 week  Coco 3 mnd
 COCO 9 weeks  COCO 3 months
 Coco 5 maand  Coco6mndtrapsite
 COCO 4 1/2 months

 COCO 6 months

Cocohoofd zij 350

 Cocostand 400

Portuguese Podengo lovely breed

Meet Portuguese Podengo, a friendly, agile and fearless breed. Truly a companion dog, a Podengo is an easy-to-maintain breed, suitable for most households.

A Portuguese Podengo is an all-in-one package, with the best qualities you can think of in your pooch. He is agile, alert, lively, friendly and easy to keep.

Sturdy appearance…

The Portuguese Podengo is the Portuguese national breed. He is very fast and agile and extremely durable. Podengos exist in three sizes – small, medium and large. Each has two hair types – smooth haired and wire haired – for a total of six varieties. The Podengo Português Grande (big) height: 55-70 cm; the Podengo Portugues Medio (medium): height: 39-56 cm, weight: 16-20 kg; and the Podengo Portugues Pequeno (small) height: 20-30 cm, weight: 4-5 kg.
The Podengo Pequeno’s (small) height at the shoulder is only 20-30 cm which makes him a very handy dog, and yet he is a hardy hunter. This smaller variation of the Podengo Portugues Medio (medium) was bred for hunting.
The smaller Podengo is a variation of the medium sized Podengo but without losing any of his other characteristics. Not much attention was paid to colour or tone of coat. The Podengo may be uni-coloured with occasional white markings, and his colour can vary from a rich red to a light sandy colour or even black. His coat may be short and shiny or longer and rough.

Journey down the lane…

The breed goes back as early as the ancient times. The Pequeno was originally used for catching rats and other small animals. Later he was used in combination with the medium. Even though the Pequeno is still being used for hunting, it also has been regarded as a household pet for as long as three centuries.
Of the several theories regarding the origin of the Podengo, the most probable to defend is that the breed, along with other similar breeds of the Mediterranean, descends from the Pharaoh Hound of high old Egypt. It appears to be one of the first differentiated breeds made by the functionality. This type of dog dispersed from Asia Minor (original area of the Phoenicians in 700 BC) to the north of Africa and the Mediterranean coast. The Phoenicians introduced the breed to Portugal and the entire Mediterranean region. Later, the Portuguese spread the breed to Brazil, central Africa and India.

The Podengo Pequeno has a special aptitude for hunting under the soil, pursuing badgers, foxes and bag-tails. The breed was used to enter in the burrows and frighten the quarry, or to kill them directly. That’s why he is courageous, smart and lively. But above all, the Podengo is a fearsome rabbit hunter, often used in impenetrable areas, sneaking out from among vegetation and rifts in the rocks. It is known as a ‘last-resource,’ exploring where other dogs won’t go.

Sweet disposition…

The Podengo is a happy, attentive, agile, friendly as well as fearless dog. He is easy to keep, only barks occasionally, is very attached, and friendly with children and other dogs. He requires exercise and attention and likes to play. He is also a very fast learner. The Podengo is adapted perfectly to the climate, as well as to the form of Portuguese life. He has a lively character and a resistant and healthy body.

Living with a Podengo…

The Podengo Pequeno is today used as a companion dog, with excellent results, thanks to his obedient character and affectionate nature. The Podengo maintains a great resistance to diseases or genetic defects and demands very little maintenance. The hair has only one layer and presents obvious advantages during shedding. Because of his size, health, coat and personality, the Podengo Pequeno adapts easily to apartments and to the city as well as country living. This is a distinct advantage when compared to the more traditional companion dogs.
So, bring home a Podengo and love this powerpuff breed.

Posted by: Miguel Sabino in Dog Breed Profile Sat, 12 Sep 2015 (Miguel Sabino is breeder who runs Viamonte Kennel at Leiria, Portugal.)






 CH. sr. Se. Whisky Noa di Scottatura. Winner en Jeugdwinner 2019. Geb: 3-03-2019

 Whiusky kop 350

 Whiskye stand 350
whisky noa di scottatura NE350 Whisky NE stand350



Winner 2019. Jeugdwinner 2019

Reserve CAC Dutch Specialty 202

Hd en ED free/ Scissor bite

Aanbevolen fok reu Frankrijk sujet recommande
Aanbevolen fokreu BHCN/NVBH

 Dutch Ch. Int. Ch.Eng.Ch. Quando Its me di Scottatura ( Ch.Gitan des Gardiens de Cocagne x Its Only me di Scoittatura)


BOB German Specialty BSD  5-05-2018.

BOB. LADIES KENNEL ASSOCIATION General Championship Dog Show 2018. Engeland 

Crufts 2019 BOS 1st in Limit Class CC
|Crufts 2022. BOS 1st in Open Class

Hd A. Scissor bite . ED free
Jan van Mol.

DNA profile

Available for Breeding". After he was  a wellknown studdog in the UK Quando is back wit his owner since 28 august 2022


Click on the head for pedigree and pictures


  Axel Umbra di Scottatura. Geb.5-07-2021


 Young promising male

 Owner.Fenneke van den Heuvel


Hd A

ED free

Scissor bite

Yuke Umbra di Scottarura .Geb.15-05-2020


Owner:Fenneke van den Heuvel 
DNA profile


Ed free
Scissor bite

Available for breeding.



Briscar Wajara di Scottatura  Born. 16-03-2022


Owner:Hans Hermans

DNA profile

Available for breeding.




Barox Wajara di Scottatura  Born. 16-03-2022


Owner: P.van Gisbergen
DNA profile

Available for breeding.




sE, Ch. Kaz di Scottatura ( Ch.Kvina Cruising the Star x C h.Int. Freyara di Scottatra )Retired



sE, Dutch Youth Champion. Dutch Champion. Benelux winner 2014.
Hd A. Scissor bite . ED free
Born: 24-10-2011
Jan van Mol.
DNA profile

VDH Anwartschaft

Mated the most beautiful Ch.DomburgICandy ( USA) at 20 -10-2013

Crufts 2019. Best Veteran Dg


Click on the head for more info.

In memoriam  

 In memoriam

sr.Freedom di Scottatura( Ch.Domburg in Demand x Ch.Elite A Avril di Scottatura )





Hd A
Born: 23-10-2006
Excellent on Show.
1 st Exc. Paris Show .
Open class
Level bite

Died because of wrong Anasthesia
Offspring in Belgium and USA

CH. Nelson It's me di Scottatura  ( Domburg All About me x It's only me di Scottatura) Born: 22 -12-2013 (in memoriam)

 Nelson kop350  

Owner: Kees de Jong
DNA profile
Winner 2017

HD free

Ed free

Born:22-12-2013 --3-2024

G&G 1, G&G 2




 In memoriam

Ch. pE .sr. Zidane di Scottatura  R,E Milton de la Clairiere aux Louves x R.E Vismey di Scottatura )


Luxembourg & Dutch Champion
Dutch Veteran Champion

Hd A
Born: 23-05-2000. Died 2015
sr. France
Owners: Peter &Julia Rietkerk

 IN Memoriam Dutch Champion Rebel J'Adore di AScottatura. Born 21-12-2015 ( sr Gitan des Gardiensa de Cocagne x Int.Ch JÁdore di Scottatura)

Rebel JAdore di Scottatura 350stand

 Ned.Kamp. Duits.Kamp.Belgisch Int. Show kampioen

Hd free and ED free

Hans en Lenie Herans

  In memoriam

sE, Ch. Fledder di Scottatura ( Ch.Domburg in Demand x x C h.Avril di Scottatuta)

 Fledder 450


 Famous Fledder

 foto hoofd350  tarass stand350

 Ned. Ch . German Ch.Tarass Jádore di Scottatura  SE Geb: 30-01-2017. Overleden 07- 2023

Ned. Belg. Germ. Lux Youth Champion..

Biggest Doghow on earth! CC CHAMPION 2020 and BOS
 3 October 2020 Best male and  BOS Specialty Dkbs in Darmstadt ( Duitsland)
Geselekteerd BHCN

 HD A & ED free

DNA profile


Ch.Nl.Ch.Lux. sr. pE.Asgaard des Louves d'Ymonville  ( Ch.Xoran van de Hoge Laer  x Ch.Raifie du Val Myrak) Born: 5-11-2005 --19-4-2021

 Kopfoto Strangermed350  

Dutch Champion. Lux. Champion
Sujet Recommande France.

Beste Veteran CFCBB 2014

Geprimeerd NVBH
Hd A. Scissor bite
Caractertest France Test de Championnat
Caractertest Belgium
Caractertest NVBH Social ++
Born: 05-11-05
Owner: W.M. van Deijl. Breeder Y.Siccot.
DNA profile


Stranger verbleef sedert zijn pensioen bij Frans en Gretha Engelen. Daar werd hij met alle zorgen omringd. Bedankt Frans en Greet   


 Strangertrofee350 strangerstand350  Strangerfront350 
  Stranger with his trophee at
the CFCBB Show 2014.
  Best Veteran  




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